I am a total libriophile. Maybe I made that word up, maybe I didn't. Regardless, I love libraries. I should make a tote like that. A tote to carry my library books. Digressing...my point is, I love libraries, I love my local public library, and I can be found there AT LEAST once a week either to check out new releases (which come out on Tuesday) or to take Hazey to storytime. We're a cable-free household, so our tv is really only for watching DVD's, which are in abundant supply at our library. We're currently watching the first season of Treme on loan from our library, and it is every kind of awesome. I also love to borrow the back copies of Conde Nast Traveler so I can plan fantasy travels while watching Hazey play in her bubble baths.
But the most important part of a library are the books it contains. I love when Hazey runs to the kid's section and picks out her own books. I always wonder what she sees in the books she picks. For myself, I always go to the New Release section first, mainly because hardly anyone ever borrows the new releases! Crazy, I'm telling you! You can rest assured that these books have never been flagged! I also like to check the non-fiction and the cookbooks/food section.
So, what am I reading right now? Currently on my nightstand:

(photo: Penguin Books)
I've read nothing but good things about this book, its been reviewed everywhere, and seems like a great book by a young, female writer. I'm a few chapters in, and it is hard to put down (sleep deprivation caused by a 3 month old makes it slightly easier to put away, though).
(photo: HarperCollins)
What is it about Anthony Bourdain? This guy is great! I love to watch his travel show (caveat: I've only ever seen it on airplanes, so maybe its just the recycled air and crappy plane food that make it seem great) and my husband and I both loved his book Kitchen Confidential, so this is one that we'll both be reading. My husband is a major foodie and loves to cook (although I do all the weekday cheffing at the mo'). I spent too many years waitressing to ever get really excited about eating in restaurants, so I love his sordid tales of kitchen life. I'm like, "preaching to the choir, Tony!". I'm especially looking forward to what he has to say about the Top Chef phenomenon, or the local/100 mile movement.

(photo: Gladwell dot com)
I know this isn't a new release, but I still haven't read The Tipping Point, so I thought I'd grab it. I find Malcolm Gladwell to be an interesting person to listen to. I saw a program with him and Peter Mansbridge ahead of the New Year discussing plenty of topics, and most of what he says makes a lot of sense. For instance, the trouble with the way the NHL is run. Food for thought. So I thought I'd feed my brain. Nom nom nom, brain.
Are there any other good books that I should be looking out for on my library's shelves?
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